Are We Operating on Two Timelines?
The people I come across more and more often are ALL facing BIG stuff AND experiencing amazing joy at the same time. And it’s such a polarity that I have never witnessed before. Discover what I mean by Operating on Two Timelines inside this blog!
Everyone Is Changing
We are coming out of spring into a brand new energy AND we are coming out of the madness of the last few years too with an eagerness to change, and live life to the full more than ever.
38 Things To Make a Difference To Your Day
If you’re finding life challenging at the moment then consider what small things you could do that would make a difference to your day but wouldn’t be over whelming for you to cope with.
We Are ALL Naturally Intuitive
Let’s connect to OUR OWN wisdom and power and create a better world for us all. Let’s remember WE are ALL naturally intuitive and have OUR OWN Divine guidance helping us navigate through this life.
We Are The Saviours
When was “the darkness” going to end? It’s up to US to CREATE a NEW reality! One of joy, Love, kindness, laughter, freedom and support. It’s each and every one of us that can change this planet and change this reality.
January New Year - Is It True?
Why are we not feeling the "New Year" Vibe in January? It's because pre-Gregorian Calendar, New Year used to begin in Spring time!
Let's Be More Butterfly
Using Reiki to identify situations that caused us pain, send healing back in time to the pain so that we can wash away that heavy energy, heal, find the gold and transform!
Death is Never The End
Life is eternal, everything is energy, and we can support those we love, when it’s their time, with some beautiful energy techniques to create a bridge of Light to aid their transition, so it’s as peaceful and loving as possible.
Protecting Our Own Energies
Many of us don’t resonate with current energies that are rising of battles and war. This is NOT who we are!
However we can still keep our centre. It may be more challenging but we can still do it!
Here's some ways we can still keep our energies safe....
However we can still keep our centre. It may be more challenging but we can still do it!
Here's some ways we can still keep our energies safe....
Storm Energy
So what a week it’s been, well actually a couple of weeks!
The energy seems really intense at the moment doesn’t it!
And the storms are raging around the U.K! And more than one too!
The storms going on around us seem so strange! I don’t remember having more than one storm in a 2 week period before! Do you? Which leads me to think of the whole weather manipulation programme. I read so much about the Chinese government back in 2018 having a programme to control the weather. And they openly…